Tourist information for the Cirebon, Kuningan and Majalengka areas of West Java
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Hotels in Cirebon
Sejahtra Guest House,
Jl. Suratno No 18,
Tlp 0231 20721
Standard room all hot water and AC. rp. 175,000
This is a small guest house with only 12 rooms. Opening in 2010 the rooms are equipped with AC hot water, TV and serve a nice traditional breakfast. One of the best if your not looking for big hotel facilities.
NB: All prices correct at the time of posting (October 2010)
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Subang Hot Springs, Kuningan, near Waduk Darma
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Tespong Lake (Telaga Tespong), Cibujangga Spring (mata air Cibujangga) and Fish Therapy.
Tespong Lake
This is a pleasant untouched lake right off the beaten track. There are 2 small waterfalls and the lake is surrounded by forest on 3 sides. To get there you will have to walk down from Padaherang Village. It's a nice walk about 20 mins through stepped padi fields and forest. Quite steep but not difficult.There is a plan to build a path from the main road in this coming year.
Link googlemap;,108.40545773506165&hl=en&geocode=Fd6zmf8dQXJ4Bg%3BFY43mP8d0iJ2Bg&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=14&sll=-6.710641,108.545866&sspn=0.031114,0.055189&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=14
Cibujangga Spring
This is a nice place to stop and have a coffee, just relax a bit or even jump in the spring water. This is only a small spring which flows along in a small river for about 25metres before going down the mountain. The water is crystal clear and cool. So very refreshing if you have just had a hike or it's a hot day. There is a small warung (food/drink stall) here and the young guys that run it are very friendly and ever so happy to see a foreigner stop here. Actually, I'm the only foreigner who has ever stopped here. Good little place to relax for a while and practice your Bahasa.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Sangiang Lake (Telaga Sangiang)
In the lake are thousands of cat fish, goldfish and nila fish. When you arrive you will be approached by loads of old women trying to sell you bread or cakes to feed the fish. It's worth spending a dollar or two to feed them. You can wade in the water an feed them by hand. The cat fish are massive up to about a metre long with big gaping mouths. The goldfish too are pretty big as are the nila fish. They say your not allowed to swim but I will question that next time as I think it could be fun to have a snorkel with the fish.
There is a myth about the lake. Hundreds of years ago 2 sultans from nearby Panjalu and Sumedang were at war. One of the armies went missing. The local myth is that they went into the lake a became the cat fish that are found there. Whatever to believe, the fact is it stops the locals from eating them so the lake is full of fish. There is also a grave of one of the sultans at the site. This is revered as a sacred Islamic site so be aware and be respectful if you visit.
The location of this lake is high up on the South slopes of Ciremai Mountain.It is about 2 hour journey from Cirebon or an hour or so from Kuningan. Note; the final approach is probably best done on a motorbike or 4-wheel drive. There is some renovations going on as this was posted but the road hasn't been started yet. Apart from that there are some amazing views and you will probably be stopping to take pics every hundred metre or so. On a clear day you can see the volcanoes between Cirebon and Jakarta.
The directions to this place would take ages to explain. I am trying to iron out some issues with my google map now. I will post the link as soon as I have sorted the problem.
Try this temporary link;,108.34012985229492&geocode=FdCvmf8ddnR4Bg%3BFQ0flv8doiN1Bg&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=13&sll=-6.704674,108.559685&sspn=0.061887,0.110378&ie=UTF8&ll=-6.844624,108.531189&spn=0.494951,0.883026&z=10
Friday, 3 September 2010
Gua Sunyaragi (Sunyaragi Cave)
Google map link;,108.54281902313232&hl=en&geocode=FdCvmf8ddnR4Bg%3BFYE1mf8dYzt4Bg&mra=ls&doflg=ptk&sll=-6.733123,108.545051&sspn=0.007735,0.013797&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=13
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
The Indonesian Language/ Bahasa Indonesia
New In Indonesia?
Here are some basics in Indonesian to help you get by.
Apa kabar? = How are you?
Siapa nama kamu? = What’s your name?
Mau ke mana? = Where are you going?
Saya mau ke ________. = I want to go to __________.
Berapa ini/itu? = How much is this/that?
Saya mau ini/itu. = I want this/that.
Jam berapa? = What time? What time is it?
Permisi kamu bisa bantu saya? = Excuse me, can you help me?
Pak = Sir- use for older men
Ibu = Mother - use for older women.
Mas = Bro- use for younger men.
Neng = Sis – use for younger women
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Satu | Dua | Tiga | Empat | Lima | Enam | Tujuh | Delapan | Sembilan | sepuluh |
20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
Dua puluh | Tiga puluh | Empat puluh | Lima puluh | Enam puluh | Tujuh puluh | Delapan puluh | Sembilan puluh | Seratus | Dua ratus |
Hundred = ratus
Thousand = ribu (1000 = seribu)
Million = juta
Example; 1250 = seribu dua ratus lima puluh
1,400,000 = satu juta empat ratus ribu
932 = Sembilan ratus tiga puluh dua
Indonesian people are very talkative and interested in why you are here and what you are doing. Instead of getting uptight or angry it’s better you enjoy it. Joking is okay. For example the question you will always get asked is, “Mau ke mana?” “Where are you going?” They don’t really expect a detailed answer it’s just a way to talk. Have fun, answer what you want. Tell them you’re going to the moon or looking for a girl. Saya mau ke bulan. Saya cari cewek. You will get a laugh and make Indonesians impression of foreigners better than those who get angry and tell them to f%£*& off. Believe me I know sometimes it can be annoying but better to learn nice replies it will make travelling much more pleasant in Indo.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Night-life in Cirebon
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Cirebon Getting there and away.
New note; trains are now becoming busier all the time. If you are travel Fridays or holidays you will have to book beforehand.
Cicerem Lake/Situ Cicerem
This is a beautiful spot to relax and swim. The small lake is fed by mountain springs so the water is very clean. If you have snorkel and mask bring it along as you can swim around the rocks and see hundreds of fish. The water here is beautiful shades of blue or green depending on the sunlight. There is a small warung (food stall) that sells drinks, snacks and noodles. If you want a proper lunch better you bring a take away (bungkus). The lake is about 5m deep in the middle so if your not a strong swimmer stick to the edge or ask if there are any tubes (ban) available; sometimes there are sometimes not.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Cilengkrang, Kuningan.
About 40 mins out of Cirebon is Lembah Cilengkrang or Cilengkrang Valley. This is a lovely hike through farmland and forest into a green lush valley. The walk is easy and takes about 40 mins fast to 1 n half hours taking it easy. At the end of the walk there are natural hot springs and a couple of waterfalls. If you go take some grub as your gonna get hungry. In rainy season better to leave early morning to beat the rain.