New In Indonesia?
Here are some basics in Indonesian to help you get by.
Apa kabar? = How are you?
Siapa nama kamu? = What’s your name?
Mau ke mana? = Where are you going?
Saya mau ke ________. = I want to go to __________.
Berapa ini/itu? = How much is this/that?
Saya mau ini/itu. = I want this/that.
Jam berapa? = What time? What time is it?
Permisi kamu bisa bantu saya? = Excuse me, can you help me?
Pak = Sir- use for older men
Ibu = Mother - use for older women.
Mas = Bro- use for younger men.
Neng = Sis – use for younger women
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Satu | Dua | Tiga | Empat | Lima | Enam | Tujuh | Delapan | Sembilan | sepuluh |
20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 200 |
Dua puluh | Tiga puluh | Empat puluh | Lima puluh | Enam puluh | Tujuh puluh | Delapan puluh | Sembilan puluh | Seratus | Dua ratus |
Hundred = ratus
Thousand = ribu (1000 = seribu)
Million = juta
Example; 1250 = seribu dua ratus lima puluh
1,400,000 = satu juta empat ratus ribu
932 = Sembilan ratus tiga puluh dua
Indonesian people are very talkative and interested in why you are here and what you are doing. Instead of getting uptight or angry it’s better you enjoy it. Joking is okay. For example the question you will always get asked is, “Mau ke mana?” “Where are you going?” They don’t really expect a detailed answer it’s just a way to talk. Have fun, answer what you want. Tell them you’re going to the moon or looking for a girl. Saya mau ke bulan. Saya cari cewek. You will get a laugh and make Indonesians impression of foreigners better than those who get angry and tell them to f%£*& off. Believe me I know sometimes it can be annoying but better to learn nice replies it will make travelling much more pleasant in Indo.